Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in this universe! Lovely lovely long weekend, well 2 days ago that is. Didn't have the time to update write anything. The internet line is still not up at home, quite a bummer really. Perhaps I should spend more time at my mom's place to use the web. But then again I may have to fight with my darling bro.
Took Mak to lunch on Friday sorta and early Mother's Day Lunch + her belated birthday lunch. Just the two of us and the kids. We had lunch at the Sundanese Restaurant over in KLCC. She seemed to like it. Though we were a wee bit dissapointed with the Gado-gado. Not quite what we expected, most importantly, no kuah kacang, more like a salad really. A healthy chicken salad! So not Asian food. Aah should have taken a photo, but I forgot, too busy handling the kids. It was good fun really. It's been a while since I have spent some alone time with Mak. I'm sure she appreciated it.
That night I already had tickets for M:I:III, for 11:35 p.m. Before the show I discovered something that was a more impossible mission than Tom Cruise's mission! -----> PUTTING MY KIDS TO BED! I could loose my voice, my temper (no! no! I ALWAYS LOOSE THIS!) and most of all MY SANITY!!! I don't know how other people make their kids go to bed by 8! I would need tranquilizers for that to happen to my kids, or maybe a day in Disneyland cause a cough mixture that the Dr. promised, " this will make them sleepy" ... just DOESN'T WORK! Thank god, or you'll read about me in the papers one day getting caught hijacking the supply truck in Ampang Puteri or some other hospitals. To cut a long story short, I finally managed to put them to bed, so we managed to leave for TGV, with a clear conscience that the kids are in bed and will not miss us, or at least they were not up and yelling, telling us to not go or take them along when we were leaving. Good show M:I:III, I did quite a lot ot yelping, you know, mmmm, can't quite explain the expression, but only the word yelping comes to mind to explain my reaction for some of the scenes.So tiring at the end of the show. Too much suspense, and explosion, Jack's kind of movie, as for me well... I would choose Pride and Prejudice or Nothing Hill anytime, over this one!
Dish of the week - Laksa Assam
Before I forget, another reason why I started this blog was to kinda write a log of the new recipes that I have tried, especially for the very first time and that turn out edible, and worth mentioning. Ha!ha! I tried to cook Laksa Assam for the very first time evvah on Monday. Been planning to do so for a couple of weeks already but I just couldn't find the Laksa Noodles which is kind of the "key" ingredient!! Duuuh!!!! So I already have the required Daun Kesom, and Bunga Kantan, Assam Gelugor etc etc etc. Very excited when I found the noodles in Carrefour last Sunday. I only used Sardines from the can, cause Jack thought that the ikan kembung weren't too fresh. Came from work, opened two trusted Recipe books and started on my new adventure or watcamacallit! My verdict, well okay lah not too bad for first try. Though my ratio of water to fish may not have been exactly right, so it turned out to be a little too soupy. But a couple of my food critics at the office, thought it was passable. Izam, Linda and Zakiah had it for breakfast yesterday morning (yeah I was that confident to share it with others, that or tak malu), and no complains so far of any food poisoning or stomach upset.