Lost in transit - I learnt my lesson the hard way, twice. I have been writing for over 40 minutes and suddenly the system just crashed and I lost my post, even before saving it.
Aaaaaaah!!!! Now, I'm writing again.... let's see what did put down just now.
Actually I was writing about our Away Day. Planning Department Away Day. Last year we only managed to join the Finance Dept for a Go-kart outing. That was fun, at that time, there were only 6 of us I think, so it really didn’t justify for us to have an away day of our own. Besides what fun is there if there were only 6 of us anyway. So this year since we had a couple of new joiners and there were 2 mgmt trainees from the Reservoir group in our dept, Razzi thought that it is timely that we had one. Besides, we had a rather disastrous Operating Plan Cycle last year, he thought that we should sit down and try to brain-storm some ideas as how to improve our work processes this year. I am not going to ramble on about what we discussed on Operating Plan or WPB or whatever….
Here’s the agenda… we even have a theme mind you!
Function : Planning and Analysis, Away Day
Day and date : Thursday, 12 April 2007
Venue : Park View 2,
L2, MOKL (Mandarin Oriental)
Time : 8.30am to 5.00pm
Theme : Denim Day
Agenda : 1. Opening Speech
2. Games 1 - Ice Breaker
3. Discussion 1 – WP & B Cycle
4. Morning break
5. Discussion 2 – Operating Plan Cycle
6. Games 2 - Winking
7. Lunch
8. Discussion 3 – Year End Cash Flows
9. Games 3 - Passing the Parcel
10. Afternoon break
11. Planning dept. activities
12. Games 4 – Decryption
13. Games 5 – Throw Shoes
Event End

The 1st game – there were 2 Ice breakers. You know to get people in the mood, to relax and not be so stiff and nervous at the impending session that were to follow.
1st Ice breaker -
Objective: Each person in the group tells something they've never done both good or bad. If you've done it you give up a penny or jelly bean. Try to keep as many as possible. In our case we were provided with mini snickers, smarties and mentos.
Game type: Passive. Little or no movement is required.
Players: 6 or more players. The wackier group the better.
Needed: Pennies or small objects such as jelly beans, Cherrios etc (10 or 15 for everyone)
Rules: Each person receives several (10 or 15 is a good number) pennies, jellybeans or similar small objects. The group sits in a circle. Each person tells of something they have never done. Anyone who has done this must give the speaker one of their pennies or whatever. After going around the circle twice, the person with the most tokens wins.
Caution: Often the women will choose items targeted at men (I've never shaved my face") and men at the women (I've never worn mascara). Therefore it is best to either ensure that the group sits with men and women alternated or to ask the group to avoid sex related statements and go with more generic statements.
1. I have never broken a bone
2. I have never traveled out of the country.
3. I have never eaten Thai food.
4. I have never changed a flat tire.
5. I have never worn high heels.
6. I have never seen the statue of liberty in person.
7. I have never been in jail.
8. I have never had wine.
What we had was amongst others:
I have never been out of Malaysia – Zila (the winner!)
I have never ran a half marathon – Razzi.
I have never been to the US – Izam.
I have never been pregnant – Jamil (so duuuhhhh!)
I have never kissed a Malaysian – Tra.
I have never studied in the UK – Norlina.
I have never been seen without my headscarf after 18 years old – Me.
And plenty more, bottom line is we had a hilarious time.

2nd Ice breaker -
Objective: Have you done something from this list of silly things. If so you score a point! How many points will you score?
Rules: Read this list to all player. Score one point for each one you have done. The player with the most points wins!
The list: (an example)
1. Locked yourself out of the house?
2. Lost a member of the family while out shopping?
3. Put something unusual in the refrigerator?
4. Turned white colors pink (or another color) in the wash?
5. Gone away from your home and left the iron on?
6. Put your heel through the hem of a dress?
7. Had your zipper break in public?
8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks on?
9. Remembered an appointment after it was too late?
10. Called a member of the family by another name?
11. Been ready to bathe and found no hot water?
12. Fallen up the stairs?
13. Gone shopping for groceries and discovered you did not bring any money with you?
14. Driven away from somewhere while a member of your party was still out of the car?
15. Dialed a phone number and forgot who you called?
16. Locked the keys in your car?
17. Got into the car to go somewhere and forgot where you were going?
18. Put something in the oven to bake and forgot about it?
Our version :
Have you ever fallen asleep while taking bath?
Have you ever fallen down the stairs in public and everybody laughing at you like crazy ?
Have you ever fart in public and everybody stared at you ?
Have you ever fallen in the toilet bowl and one of your leg got stuck ?
Have you ever thought of something funny and started laughing out loud in the presence of others?
Have you ever ripped off your pants during meeting presentation ?
Have you ever holding somebody hand by mistake in front of your wife/husband ?
Have you ever put something unusual in the microwave ?
Have you ever gone somewhere with two different shoes ?
Have you ever gone shopping and discovered that all your credit cards blocked and you have no money, people queuing behind screaming at you ?
Have you ever got your car broken in the middle of bad traffic jam and you have no phone with you ?
Have you ever locked yourself outside the house ?
Have you ever fallen from the chair during meeting ?
Have you ever got into a wrong seminar room and only realizing it after 10 mins. ?
Have you ever dialed a phone number and forgot who you called ?
The winner was Goh, he scored the highest and number 3 was one of the ticked ones. Imagine that.
2nd game -
Objective: A group game where a murderer kills other players with a wink or blink.
Rules: Decide up front whether a murder “gives himself away” by winking or blinking or both. Put one piece of paper in a bowl for each player and mark one with an 'X'. Have someone take the bowl around and have each player take one, look at it and then replace it in the bowl. The player with the X is the murderer. And the person who gets the “DETECTIVE” is of course the detective to identify/guess the murderer. Everybody else including the murderer walks around the room, whether in uniform order or not. The murderer then tries to kill the others by blinking or winking at them. We decided that the victim will not be killed and out of the game since there were just the 12 of us. The victim will just need to give a little shout when they get blinked. There were also yelping and barking at some point.
Guessing: The detective try to guess who the murderer is from the body or eye signals of those “murdered” and has 3 guesses.
Winning: The winner is the detective who guessed the murderer the fastest.
Quite interesting to have a roomful of adults yelping away and playing sort of a police n thief thing from the school days but of course a bit milder.
The 3rd game -
Objective: Unwrap a prize but instead of the prize you might get a dare. Are you willing to risk it?
Game type: Passive. Little or no movement is required. – Errrm not so if you get a dare like… dance a traditional dance or dance like DOREMON.
Needed: Prize Tissue or wrapping paper Dares on notecards or pieces of candy
The 5th game -
Objective: Work as individuals or teams to figure out the encoded phrases represented as graphics. Fun for a quick ice breaker activity!
Ice Breakers
Game type:
Passive. Little or no movement is required.
2 or more players.
Needed: Print outs (see below) and pencils for everyone
Rules: For groups less than 5, play as individuals. Otherwise form small working teams. Hand out one print out per individual or team. You must decode the phrase represented in the graphics. See below for an example. Answers to all fifteen phrases are below.
This was what we had for ours:
Aaaaaaah!!!! Now, I'm writing again.... let's see what did put down just now.
Actually I was writing about our Away Day. Planning Department Away Day. Last year we only managed to join the Finance Dept for a Go-kart outing. That was fun, at that time, there were only 6 of us I think, so it really didn’t justify for us to have an away day of our own. Besides what fun is there if there were only 6 of us anyway. So this year since we had a couple of new joiners and there were 2 mgmt trainees from the Reservoir group in our dept, Razzi thought that it is timely that we had one. Besides, we had a rather disastrous Operating Plan Cycle last year, he thought that we should sit down and try to brain-storm some ideas as how to improve our work processes this year. I am not going to ramble on about what we discussed on Operating Plan or WPB or whatever….
Here’s the agenda… we even have a theme mind you!
Function : Planning and Analysis, Away Day
Day and date : Thursday, 12 April 2007
Venue : Park View 2,
L2, MOKL (Mandarin Oriental)
Time : 8.30am to 5.00pm
Theme : Denim Day
Agenda : 1. Opening Speech
2. Games 1 - Ice Breaker
3. Discussion 1 – WP & B Cycle
4. Morning break
5. Discussion 2 – Operating Plan Cycle
6. Games 2 - Winking
7. Lunch
8. Discussion 3 – Year End Cash Flows
9. Games 3 - Passing the Parcel
10. Afternoon break
11. Planning dept. activities
12. Games 4 – Decryption
13. Games 5 – Throw Shoes
Event End

The 1st game – there were 2 Ice breakers. You know to get people in the mood, to relax and not be so stiff and nervous at the impending session that were to follow.
1st Ice breaker -
Objective: Each person in the group tells something they've never done both good or bad. If you've done it you give up a penny or jelly bean. Try to keep as many as possible. In our case we were provided with mini snickers, smarties and mentos.
Game type: Passive. Little or no movement is required.
Players: 6 or more players. The wackier group the better.
Needed: Pennies or small objects such as jelly beans, Cherrios etc (10 or 15 for everyone)
Rules: Each person receives several (10 or 15 is a good number) pennies, jellybeans or similar small objects. The group sits in a circle. Each person tells of something they have never done. Anyone who has done this must give the speaker one of their pennies or whatever. After going around the circle twice, the person with the most tokens wins.
Caution: Often the women will choose items targeted at men (I've never shaved my face") and men at the women (I've never worn mascara). Therefore it is best to either ensure that the group sits with men and women alternated or to ask the group to avoid sex related statements and go with more generic statements.
1. I have never broken a bone
2. I have never traveled out of the country.
3. I have never eaten Thai food.
4. I have never changed a flat tire.
5. I have never worn high heels.
6. I have never seen the statue of liberty in person.
7. I have never been in jail.
8. I have never had wine.
What we had was amongst others:
I have never been out of Malaysia – Zila (the winner!)
I have never ran a half marathon – Razzi.
I have never been to the US – Izam.
I have never been pregnant – Jamil (so duuuhhhh!)
I have never kissed a Malaysian – Tra.
I have never studied in the UK – Norlina.
I have never been seen without my headscarf after 18 years old – Me.
And plenty more, bottom line is we had a hilarious time.

2nd Ice breaker -
Objective: Have you done something from this list of silly things. If so you score a point! How many points will you score?
Rules: Read this list to all player. Score one point for each one you have done. The player with the most points wins!
The list: (an example)
1. Locked yourself out of the house?
2. Lost a member of the family while out shopping?
3. Put something unusual in the refrigerator?
4. Turned white colors pink (or another color) in the wash?
5. Gone away from your home and left the iron on?
6. Put your heel through the hem of a dress?
7. Had your zipper break in public?
8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks on?
9. Remembered an appointment after it was too late?
10. Called a member of the family by another name?
11. Been ready to bathe and found no hot water?
12. Fallen up the stairs?
13. Gone shopping for groceries and discovered you did not bring any money with you?
14. Driven away from somewhere while a member of your party was still out of the car?
15. Dialed a phone number and forgot who you called?
16. Locked the keys in your car?
17. Got into the car to go somewhere and forgot where you were going?
18. Put something in the oven to bake and forgot about it?
Our version :
Have you ever fallen asleep while taking bath?
Have you ever fallen down the stairs in public and everybody laughing at you like crazy ?
Have you ever fart in public and everybody stared at you ?
Have you ever fallen in the toilet bowl and one of your leg got stuck ?
Have you ever thought of something funny and started laughing out loud in the presence of others?
Have you ever ripped off your pants during meeting presentation ?
Have you ever holding somebody hand by mistake in front of your wife/husband ?
Have you ever put something unusual in the microwave ?
Have you ever gone somewhere with two different shoes ?
Have you ever gone shopping and discovered that all your credit cards blocked and you have no money, people queuing behind screaming at you ?
Have you ever got your car broken in the middle of bad traffic jam and you have no phone with you ?
Have you ever locked yourself outside the house ?
Have you ever fallen from the chair during meeting ?
Have you ever got into a wrong seminar room and only realizing it after 10 mins. ?
Have you ever dialed a phone number and forgot who you called ?
The winner was Goh, he scored the highest and number 3 was one of the ticked ones. Imagine that.

2nd game -
Objective: A group game where a murderer kills other players with a wink or blink.
Rules: Decide up front whether a murder “gives himself away” by winking or blinking or both. Put one piece of paper in a bowl for each player and mark one with an 'X'. Have someone take the bowl around and have each player take one, look at it and then replace it in the bowl. The player with the X is the murderer. And the person who gets the “DETECTIVE” is of course the detective to identify/guess the murderer. Everybody else including the murderer walks around the room, whether in uniform order or not. The murderer then tries to kill the others by blinking or winking at them. We decided that the victim will not be killed and out of the game since there were just the 12 of us. The victim will just need to give a little shout when they get blinked. There were also yelping and barking at some point.
Guessing: The detective try to guess who the murderer is from the body or eye signals of those “murdered” and has 3 guesses.
Winning: The winner is the detective who guessed the murderer the fastest.
Quite interesting to have a roomful of adults yelping away and playing sort of a police n thief thing from the school days but of course a bit milder.
The 3rd game -
Objective: Unwrap a prize but instead of the prize you might get a dare. Are you willing to risk it?
Game type: Passive. Little or no movement is required. – Errrm not so if you get a dare like… dance a traditional dance or dance like DOREMON.
Needed: Prize Tissue or wrapping paper Dares on notecards or pieces of candy
The 5th game -
Objective: Work as individuals or teams to figure out the encoded phrases represented as graphics. Fun for a quick ice breaker activity!
Ice Breakers
Game type:
Passive. Little or no movement is required.
2 or more players.
Needed: Print outs (see below) and pencils for everyone
Rules: For groups less than 5, play as individuals. Otherwise form small working teams. Hand out one print out per individual or team. You must decode the phrase represented in the graphics. See below for an example. Answers to all fifteen phrases are below.
This was what we had for ours:

The final game -
Objective: Two teams race to dig through the pile of shoes for their own. A fun relay race.
However, we played this as an individual game. So, everyone race to win.
Game type: Active. A lot of movement may be required.
Rules: Two or more teams of about 10 - 15 players remove both their shoes and place them in one big pile about 15 feet away. The shoes must be mixed up so no one shoe is easily recognizable. Two or more teams line up and each player at the top of the line runs to the pile, must find his or her shoes, put them on, laced and buckled and run back to their next team mate, next team mate does the same until the team who finishes first wins.
Variation: You can have each team member only find and put on one shoe and then run to the back of their team's line. When it's their turn again, they must now find and put on the other shoes. This makes the game move a bit faster.
Objective: Have you done something from this list of silly things. If so you score a point! How many points will you score?
Baby Showers, Bridal Showers, Ice Breakers
Game type:
Passive. Little or no movement is required.
2 or more players.
Needed: Paper. Pencils
Rules: Read this list to all player. Score one point for each one you have done. The player with the most points wins!
The list: 1. Locked yourself out of the house?
2. Lost a member of the family while out shopping?
3. Put something unusual in the refrigerator?
4. Turned white colors pink (or another color) in the wash?
5. Gone away from your home and left the iron on?
6. Put your heel through the hem of a dress?
7. Had your zipper break in public?
8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks on?
9. Remembered an appointment after it was too late?
10. Called a member of the family by another name?
11. Been ready to bathe and found no hot water?
12. Fallen up the stairs?
13. Gone shopping for groceries and discovered you did not bring any money with you?
14. Driven away from somewhere while a member of your party was still out of the car?
15. Dialed a phone number and forgot who you called?
16. Locked the keys in your car?
17. Got into the car to go somewhere and forgot where you were going?
18. Put something in the oven to bake and forgot about it?
For more info and ideas for games check out this website…
Objective: Two teams race to dig through the pile of shoes for their own. A fun relay race.
However, we played this as an individual game. So, everyone race to win.
Game type: Active. A lot of movement may be required.
Rules: Two or more teams of about 10 - 15 players remove both their shoes and place them in one big pile about 15 feet away. The shoes must be mixed up so no one shoe is easily recognizable. Two or more teams line up and each player at the top of the line runs to the pile, must find his or her shoes, put them on, laced and buckled and run back to their next team mate, next team mate does the same until the team who finishes first wins.
Variation: You can have each team member only find and put on one shoe and then run to the back of their team's line. When it's their turn again, they must now find and put on the other shoes. This makes the game move a bit faster.
Objective: Have you done something from this list of silly things. If so you score a point! How many points will you score?
Baby Showers, Bridal Showers, Ice Breakers
Game type:
Passive. Little or no movement is required.
2 or more players.
Needed: Paper. Pencils
Rules: Read this list to all player. Score one point for each one you have done. The player with the most points wins!
The list: 1. Locked yourself out of the house?
2. Lost a member of the family while out shopping?
3. Put something unusual in the refrigerator?
4. Turned white colors pink (or another color) in the wash?
5. Gone away from your home and left the iron on?
6. Put your heel through the hem of a dress?
7. Had your zipper break in public?
8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks on?
9. Remembered an appointment after it was too late?
10. Called a member of the family by another name?
11. Been ready to bathe and found no hot water?
12. Fallen up the stairs?
13. Gone shopping for groceries and discovered you did not bring any money with you?
14. Driven away from somewhere while a member of your party was still out of the car?
15. Dialed a phone number and forgot who you called?
16. Locked the keys in your car?
17. Got into the car to go somewhere and forgot where you were going?
18. Put something in the oven to bake and forgot about it?
For more info and ideas for games check out this website…

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