Saturday is always a busy, busy day for me, nowadays. The days starts as early as a weekday! Therefore, it is not only 5 days in a week that I have to wake up early, it is now 6 days a week because starting this year Nayli has a Mental Arithmetic Class that starts at 8:00 a.m!!! What a time to start a class on a Saturday? I tried to hint this to the teacher before enrolling Nayli for this class, but somehow it just fell on deaf ears. Maybe I am the only parent who has a problem. Oh well, no more late Friday nights for me, or even if I decided to stay up to watch something, I better make sure I could get up early the next morning or else my girl will miss her Maths Class. In a way it’s kinda good to start the day early especially if there is a lot to be done in that day. Yesterday was such a day. I had a list made out on Friday:
8:00 – 9:30 a.m - Nayli’s Maths Class
9:30 – 10:30 a.m - Breakfast
10:30 – 11:30 a.m - Jaya Jusco, Alpha Angle (to get Zarif’s Spidey Stuff)
11:30 – 2:00 p.m - Lunch at Lake Club & Return Kids’ Library Books
2:15 p.m - Drop me off at BVII
2:30 – 4:30 p.m - Facial Appointment
4:30 – 6:30 p.m - Coffee @ Delicious with Pat
6:30 – 7:00 p.m - Fetch me from BVII and head to Mak Ngah’s House
7.00 – 10:30 p.m - Mak Ngah’s Birthday Makan-makan
Busy! Busy! Busy! My resolution to sleep in early on Fridays didn’t materialize the night before because the kids somehow slept early and since Jack had a late meeting that night and Mak has kidnapped my maid for the weekend, I was alone. Somehow, I was suddenly so energetic that night. After packing for the next day, I am not going on holiday anywhere it’s just that I figured that I should just pack a few change of clothes for everyone, just in case Jack decided to freshen up at Mak’s place before fetching me at BV. After the packing is done, I surfed the channels and ended up watching the re-runs of American Idol, the Bon Jovi night followed by Gol & Gincu on 8TV. I thought the 4 finalists of the American Idol are good. Never followed the season before last Friday cause I thought it lacked the ummph factor this time, none of the contestants quite measured up to Chris D this time round. At least the season before Daughtry’s had Bo Bice. However, after last Friday, I thought, the JT wannabe (Chris Richardson) has a future ahead and Blake is not bad at all. He's my current favourite. Blake that is.
8:00 – 9:30 a.m - Nayli’s Maths Class
9:30 – 10:30 a.m - Breakfast
10:30 – 11:30 a.m - Jaya Jusco, Alpha Angle (to get Zarif’s Spidey Stuff)
11:30 – 2:00 p.m - Lunch at Lake Club & Return Kids’ Library Books
2:15 p.m - Drop me off at BVII
2:30 – 4:30 p.m - Facial Appointment
4:30 – 6:30 p.m - Coffee @ Delicious with Pat
6:30 – 7:00 p.m - Fetch me from BVII and head to Mak Ngah’s House
7.00 – 10:30 p.m - Mak Ngah’s Birthday Makan-makan
Busy! Busy! Busy! My resolution to sleep in early on Fridays didn’t materialize the night before because the kids somehow slept early and since Jack had a late meeting that night and Mak has kidnapped my maid for the weekend, I was alone. Somehow, I was suddenly so energetic that night. After packing for the next day, I am not going on holiday anywhere it’s just that I figured that I should just pack a few change of clothes for everyone, just in case Jack decided to freshen up at Mak’s place before fetching me at BV. After the packing is done, I surfed the channels and ended up watching the re-runs of American Idol, the Bon Jovi night followed by Gol & Gincu on 8TV. I thought the 4 finalists of the American Idol are good. Never followed the season before last Friday cause I thought it lacked the ummph factor this time, none of the contestants quite measured up to Chris D this time round. At least the season before Daughtry’s had Bo Bice. However, after last Friday, I thought, the JT wannabe (Chris Richardson) has a future ahead and Blake is not bad at all. He's my current favourite. Blake that is.

I managed to wake up the next morning on time to bathe, bathed Nayli and prepared her cereal breakfast and managed to leave the house 10 mins before 8. Mis (my maid) is at mom’s cause Mom’s own helper has gone back home for a 2 months holiday. Since I cannot offer my help with housework, the least that I could do is offer my maid. Of course, it is also an opportunity for her to earn some extra dosh. Why not? It’s kinda nice to be just on our own. Sometimes… Zarif and Jack had a bit of a lie in, since Jack came back maybe at 1 or was it 2 the night before and Zarif, well, currently His Royal Highness is allowed to wake up as he pleases before he too gets enrolled in an 8 o’clock Maths Class! Came back after sending Nayli with Nasi Lemak breakfast, by the time Zarif is all bathed and fed, it was time to fetch Nayli from class. So, it is Jack’s turn to go out and fetch. While I tidy up the kitchen a bit.

That’s when I had my 2 hrs of pampering! Oooh, it was just so nice to have a facial at that place. If only I could do this more often and having it paid for. Oh well, in the mean time, there’s no harm in treating myself once in a blue moon. After all I truly deserved it especially after my 5 days of spoilt “holiday” last week.
I finished my pampering session, with a lower credit line on my Citibank card (don’t ask!!! How else do you think I managed to get myself a bottle of wine, a good bottle at that; according to Pat! These places don’t just go around giving people Mother’s Day Gifts puhleeeess, get real!) at about ¼ past 4. I was already famished by then since I didn’t have my lunch, only a quick Tuna Pastry bite before the facial. Pat couldn’t join me for coffee in the end, but we met for about 15 seconds, because I had to pass her the bottle of wine!!! Thanks goodness she was at her new place, so it was convenient for her to drop by on the way back. Can’t wait for her to move, then it would be so easy for us to meet. No Pat, no coffee chats, but I still went to Delicious to have a quick meal. Thought I’d stay there till Jack picks me up later in the evening. Then I found out that the book that I am currently reading was left in the other bag, so I had nothing to do while waiting. I finally settled for Wild Mushroom Soup and a Peppermint Tea since it was already 5 ish, wouldn’t want to spoil my appetite for tonight’s makan2 at Mak Ngah’s place. While waiting for my food, I alternate from thumbing through a mag that they had lying around maybe specially for lone diners like me and text messaging Pat and Jack. As I told Pat, I was worried that I would be seen as a lonely spinster having a meal. I was comforted by the fact that I had a huge, Toy R’Us plastic bag containing Nayli’s toy that I had purchased earlier, so at least people will think, oh but she must be married with at least a kid already, just look at the Toy R’Us bag. Gosh, I am so pathetic aren’t I, can’t remember when was the last time, I was ever so self-concious. This may just sprang out of boredom of being stuck alone.
In the end, we decided that we’d go to Mak Ngah’s after Maghrib, that’s around 8p.m. Since it was only almost 6, I decided to go home first. Took the train back home to my mom’s and Jack fetched from Tmn Melati stop. Showered and got the kids ready, rush rush rush and we were out of Mak’s house before 8.
It was my aunty’s 60th birthday. When she invited a week ago, she said, there won’t be so many people, just us (supposedly meaning just family). Somehow when we arrived, there was a marquee at her backyard and catered buffet laid out and a bunch of people I am so sure are not family!
I finished my pampering session, with a lower credit line on my Citibank card (don’t ask!!! How else do you think I managed to get myself a bottle of wine, a good bottle at that; according to Pat! These places don’t just go around giving people Mother’s Day Gifts puhleeeess, get real!) at about ¼ past 4. I was already famished by then since I didn’t have my lunch, only a quick Tuna Pastry bite before the facial. Pat couldn’t join me for coffee in the end, but we met for about 15 seconds, because I had to pass her the bottle of wine!!! Thanks goodness she was at her new place, so it was convenient for her to drop by on the way back. Can’t wait for her to move, then it would be so easy for us to meet. No Pat, no coffee chats, but I still went to Delicious to have a quick meal. Thought I’d stay there till Jack picks me up later in the evening. Then I found out that the book that I am currently reading was left in the other bag, so I had nothing to do while waiting. I finally settled for Wild Mushroom Soup and a Peppermint Tea since it was already 5 ish, wouldn’t want to spoil my appetite for tonight’s makan2 at Mak Ngah’s place. While waiting for my food, I alternate from thumbing through a mag that they had lying around maybe specially for lone diners like me and text messaging Pat and Jack. As I told Pat, I was worried that I would be seen as a lonely spinster having a meal. I was comforted by the fact that I had a huge, Toy R’Us plastic bag containing Nayli’s toy that I had purchased earlier, so at least people will think, oh but she must be married with at least a kid already, just look at the Toy R’Us bag. Gosh, I am so pathetic aren’t I, can’t remember when was the last time, I was ever so self-concious. This may just sprang out of boredom of being stuck alone.
In the end, we decided that we’d go to Mak Ngah’s after Maghrib, that’s around 8p.m. Since it was only almost 6, I decided to go home first. Took the train back home to my mom’s and Jack fetched from Tmn Melati stop. Showered and got the kids ready, rush rush rush and we were out of Mak’s house before 8.

I forgot, it’s Mak Ngah’s definition of tak ramai, not Jack’s! He!He! It was good fun anyhow, meeting my cousins and other aunties and uncles. The food was good, the dessert yummy! Thanks for the invite Mak Ngah and Happy Birthday to you, Many Happy Returns of the Day!

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