Thinking of getting your kids to share a room, and you are planning to get pull out beds, to minimize space. That's what we have in the kids room. In fact Zarif has been sleeping in his bed for 2 years already ever since he was 2 to be exact with his sister at the top bed. However, this happened last Tuesday, my hubby slept late as usual, me I am way in lalala land already. Anyway, he discovered Zarif in this position at about 1 am in the morning!!! Scarry huh! He!he! Now we can laugh about it! I guess the reason that happened is because the bed was pulled out a little way too far from the top bunk. If it weren't, there will not be such a big gap, enough for him to slip through. Don't worry parents out there, it is safe to get this kinda beds. And it isn't that light that it could slip in and out easily enough to be moving each time the kid in the bed tosses and turns!

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