Nayli completed reading the whole Quran for the first time, sometime in June. My mother decided to throw her a mini kenduri as a celebration of this momentous event. To coincide with the end of my confinement, it was held a week after my confinement ended, which was on the 13th July. I had nothing to do with the preparation of this kenduri whatsoever, other then providing one miserable dish, which is my baked pasta. It turned out to be quite major. Most of the guests were our relatives and a few neighbours around my mother's house. It was like other khatam Quran event, Nayli and a few others read passages from the Quran, and at then end an Ustazah, recited a simple doa. However, that was not it. My mother had other things planned. There was a treasure hunt for the kids, and some simple games. The food was great of course.

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