Last Saturday (Oct 18th) was Zarif's Annual Concert. This is his first year in school, so this is his first concert ever. He is not totally new to this concert idea because he has witnessed his sister's concerts 2 years in a row. However, unlike his sister, it took him a while to warm up to the idea of performing on stage in front of people. Just like his sister, Zarif was also selected to be the The Lil' MC, to introduce his class's performance. His teacher gave the text to be memorized about a month ahead. In order to ensure that he memorizes his line, we even took to using some words into our conversation ha! ha! pretty silly actually since his line goes like this...
"We would like to present to you a dance from the Mountains. Hope you all enjoy it. Thank you!"
After the concert, he said that he enjoyed himself and he likes taking part in concerts. So I guess, next year we would not need to convince him about performing then. Here are some pictures and even a video.
The programme booklet.
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