Tried to upload the video, but the file was way too big. So, no video, sorry about that.Dunno whether it was my camera or it was the haze. Rather hazy situation here isn't it? The turn out was pretty good, hope they raised a considerable amount of money.
On Sunday, we went back to my grandmother's place, my father's side to attend an Aqiqah for my cousin's first child.
Here's the kids, hanging out at the "gazebo" outside the house. Cool and airy here.
45 days old... aaawwwwww!!!

My mom holding Mohd Safiy (I think that's the spelling, forgot to check).
I got the yawn! Yippee!!
It's a different scene way up front at the anjung (the front living hall). The men had a separate prayer session in full swing.
Then of course followed by makan time.
This little fella, later on was let loose in the garden to get him acquainted with the kampung life.
Now where did that rooster go, cock-a-doodle doo, where are youuuuu????
Here you go kitty kitty, oops! I mean, puck!puck!puck!
Ooopsie daisie... too many bumps in the ground!
Hey you! Where d'ya think you're going, come back here!!
Weee! Nayli on the swing behind the house.
Zaim still walking around, checking out the place.***********
Then we went off to my mother's hometown, to visit my uncle. He fell of the rambutan tree, while plucking rambutans. Apparently the step ladder broke, while he was descending it.
This was in the car, on the way, everything was done to amuse Zaim and keep him happy! Well, that's not entirely true, a hairband on his head was more to amuse us really!!! Ha!ha! (Note to hubby: Ok, this will not happen again, promise!)
Yes, it was a serious fall! He had to have this contraption hooked on his leg.
Though, someone still manage to inject some humour into the situation. Notice the Car Registration Plate on the side of the wheel chair? That was from my late grandfather's car. Funny, how I only noticed it now while I was going through the pictures to be uploaded, and not when I was there. Yes, my uncles on this side of the family do have a wicked sense of humour!
Zaim had to be restrained from fleeing!
All these "strangers" around him was too much for him to bear.Then we went home, long tiring day, but it was good fun for the kids. Should go back more often.

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