Happy Maal Hijrah dear friends, family and readers (I hope I have em'). Any new year resolutions. I have a couple, hope to fulfill them this year, God wiling.
How was your day yesterday? It was pretty much a lazy day for me. No matter how lazy it was, my day always starts early. Even though I sometimes try to lie in, with a little toddler who wakes up really early you really cannot help it. Yesterday morning somehow Zaim didn't wake up that early so I quickly had a quick shower, so that at least once he is awake I can tend to him straightaway and start preparing breakfast since Jack said no to my suggestion to go to Raju's :-P.

However, when we went to the kitchen I found that my mom is already 90% into preparing Nasi Lemak. Wohoo!!! My mom's nasi lemak is out of this world. So, great! No need to prepare breakfast. I was not really looking forward to having a western breakfast this morning because I had a Western Breakie binge yesterday at SF with Fida. When I say binge, I do mean binge ok, BIG TIME!!!
How was your day yesterday? It was pretty much a lazy day for me. No matter how lazy it was, my day always starts early. Even though I sometimes try to lie in, with a little toddler who wakes up really early you really cannot help it. Yesterday morning somehow Zaim didn't wake up that early so I quickly had a quick shower, so that at least once he is awake I can tend to him straightaway and start preparing breakfast since Jack said no to my suggestion to go to Raju's :-P.

#### there shud be a picture or two here but it's just not uploading at the time of update###
Anyhow, after breakfast I spent a bit of time online tending to my ehem lil' pet project. Last night the house modem was ok, the kids managed to play games online. However, this morning... kaput, the line was down again. Luckily, I got to use my brother's notebook and his trusty broadband.
Fixed a quick pasta lunch, made tuna with pasta shells. Turned out ok, but a wee bit hot even for me as I used the tuna chilli. At about 3 something, Zaim with no sign that he was going to nap, and the day that continued to be so dull and wet, I decided to do something before I end up taking a nap. So, I decided to go for a hair cut and wash. Ahhh lovely!!! Oh before I went to the hairdresser I had to detour cause I needed to get some cash from ye ol' Mr. Tiger. Anyhow, I purposely went to the area that conveniently had an appliance shop to check on my Waffle Maker, ha!ha! yes, what else. I was hoping I'd get something cheaper than what I have seen at KLCC, however the one nearby my house was infact RM50 more!!! SHOCKING!!!! Now I know! I shall just need to continue my search then...
In the evening I had dinner with my oldest friend in the whole wide world. No she is not 120, she has been my friend since we were 10 years old!!! Imagine that! Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture. Well, Azlyn dearie 12 years down the road even though there is no picture, at least I have blogged about our dinner last night at Siti et Sara, we both had Tomyam Noodles and Plain Water. Plus I would always remember about your compliments about my blogging... (he!he! do leave comments though, a blogger without comments is like a lost traveller in the dessert without water, sigh!) There, hope I won't forget last night like I forgot celebrating your birthday with you at TGIF 12 years ago!! (Come on, I had another child - one more than you after the age of 30, surely that counts for my memory loss.) :-(
So there, for a lazy dull day, I sure have a lot to write huh! Pfft!
oh my god!! i like reading ur stories..hehehe..anyway, salam kenal..
Hi Zarin, Salam kenal to you too! Welcome to my blog. Thanks for dropping in and giving me and OMG shriek! Come by often and don't forget to "shriek" yah!!!
a tad xpensive lah ek sis, for an appliance that can only make waffles...sigh...i will keep a lookout for a cheaper one too ok.
SHM, actually the Kenwood SM580, has a sandwich, waffle and grille plate. I just need to make sure the method of grilling that they are suggesting. Will look into it further.
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