Parents if you are wondering if you should take you kids to see the movie " How to train your dragon?", my personal suggestion would be... wonder no further. Go! go! go! If you like Avatar, your kids would like this one. Ha!ha! My personal opinion on the movie is that it's the kid's version of Avatar, not as strikingly beautiful, but beautiful nonetheless. Interesting storyline, an unlikely hero beautiful 3D animation, happy ending, what more can you ask for from an animated movie. Plus point if it matters at all, upon checking the website, I just found out the Gerard Butler played the dad! Wow! That's all I have to say! Ha!ha! Oh ok, America Fererra played the Astrid girl, I think that's what the girl character was. what girl character... well you just have to catch the movie now don't cha? It was just the three of us at the movies last Saturday afternoon, since the father was only due back on Sunday with the likely plan of an extended trip, I went on ahead to purchase the tickets later in the week. Thought, Zarif might not be able to survive another week of not watching the movie. Also I thought it doesn't hurt to spend sometime alone with Nayli and Zarif. My time at home is normally monopolised by little Zaim. So I thought, sometime alone with the elder kids would be good. Of course Zaim was not happy at all. Poor thing cried a little when we left for the movie.
I chosed the 12 o'clock show. Zarif decided to start trying on Nayli's passed down Heely's. Since we arrived about an hour earlier before the show, he had some time to practice. We spent quite a long time at Pavvy, which means that he had plenty of time Heelying around the mall, that by the end of the day he complained of leg cramps. He!he! Poor thing! No pain no gain honey!
Here's Zarif trying out the Heely's.
Ready for some 3D experience plus major popcorn and soda fest!

After the movies, we went to the bookstore to pick up a book for each of them, Nayli picked up another of her Wimpy Kid series and Zarif, his 7th Captain Underpants (yes, you read it right) book. He spotted another Book Series, Beast Quest, so he is in super hurry to complete the Captain Underpants Series to start on the Beast Quest. In case you are wondering what am I on about and why am I encouraging my 6 year old to read such a horrendous titled book... do check it out for yourself the next time you are at a bookshop. It is a really hilarious book by Dav Pilkey, great sense of humour and imagination, makes a 6 year old boy actually forgets his playstation and glued to reading! How can I say no to it.

After getting their books, we dropped by Toys R Us to get Zaim something, yes, his mom is super guilty for leaving him behind. Ha!ha! Then it was time for lunch, a rather belated one. Their favourite is the hot plate at the food court. Then, the three of us headed home back to our little Zaim.
In the evening, we went to visit Zaim's new little cousin. My SIL gave birth on 25th Mar to little Sara Fahmy, her baby number 5. Adorable little baby, that weighs probably as much as Zaim's left leg. Ha!ha!ha!
Zaim loves babies, even though it's way past his bedtime. He stayed up to see baby Sara.
Only Zaim was fascinated with Sarah, Nayli and Zarif already disappeared to play with Sarah's brother and sisters.
Fast asleep even with the commotion around her.
I could not resist picking her up even though she was fast asleep.
Zaim giving her one of many many smooches... mmmmua baby so cute!!!
Ok, bye bye baby see you again real soon, Abang Zaim would love to see you again soon.
wanted to brig my lil girl but then she mati matian tak nak..in the end mommy and papa pi layan clash of the titans berdua hahaha :-D
alala comelnya baby ni... hehe... eh blog dah berubah wajah... cantiknya!
Zarin: Maybe it's more of a boy thing kot!!! Clash of the titans best tak?
Lady L: Thanks, best la this new Blogger in Draft, lepas nie mmg I will keep on changing my template.
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