Omigod!!! Is this for real? I have an uninterrupted quiet space for me to reflect about all the happenings in my humble existence. Most of all, with pictures to remind me of those lovely moments with family and friends. Happy reading!!!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I've been blogged about!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Weekends nowadays

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
An Inconvenient Truth

Last night, as I was channel surfing, I stumbled upon, Al Gore's documentary/movie on HBO regarding Global Warming. It was a truly disturbing and an eye-opener for me. The truth is really scary, and what is more distubing is the fact that the movie was produced in 2006, already the earth was in a pretty bad shape then, and if you listen to the facts presented, our Mother earth is deteriorating at such an alarming rate daily, I wonder what the stats are showing now, just about 2 years later. Check the website and the trailer of the movie if you missed it.
Carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and temperatures are rising.

We’re already seeing changes. Glaciers are melting, plants and animals are being forced from their habitat, and the number of severe storms and droughts is increasing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Reading while eating

Best food to eat while reading:

2) Chocolates
3) Toasts
4) Cereals
5) Curry Puff and other kuehs
1) Roti canai, Thosai, Puree and the likes

2) Nasi campur with fish that was not de-boned (asking for trouble here), or any other dish that requires you to look down at your plate before taking a bite
3) Chips /crisps – it tends to get oily
4) Fried chicken from the well known fast food company – eventually you’d end using both hands
5) Kuaci( Sunflower seeds) and Pistachios – you need to shell them and again you will end up using both hands
Monday, April 21, 2008
Birthday Greetings

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Secretaries Week with Ning Baizura @ JW Marriot, KL

while waiting for the coach (from left to right):
Azleen, Me, Zila, Izam, Fida, Sarah, Linda @ G-Ha
Before the meal was served
Lovely dress, Lovely Bod too!
The Dynamic Duo performing Drama
just a short video, my arms were too tired to hold on any longer
Ning sang quite a number of songs, beginning with her early hits. I was quite surprised that I knew most of her songs. Yes, I do remember buying her album back then, when she just started. There was no other singer who sang like her, there still isn't actually, even till now. She even did some cover versions, a few timeless English songs. Of course she was superb.
from left to right: Zakiah, Leen, Mr Manager & Me
The meal was good, we had what seemed like an endless 18 course Chinese Meal, well not exactly 18, but you know what I mean. Thank goodness I am not on a diet, so I managed to enjoy every course to the max. Yummy!
from left to right: Zila, Izam, Me and Zakiah
the fish course
last but not least, one for the blog!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Another cook in the house yaaalll!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008
Baby Checklist

1) Things to buy
2) Things to borrow
3) Things to find/look for at my mom’s place otherwise, need to be listed under category 1 or 2
4) Things to pack for myself for hospital stay
5) Things to prepare for baby to go back home
6) Things to prepare for Confinement Period
I can't provide my actual table here so, I have cut and pasted a one big list of things that I need to get hold of before I deliver.
2.Avent New born Starter Kit – bottles and teats
3.Containers to store breast milk
( Either Tupperware Ice Cube Box (never used before, idea was just introduced to me)
Or Anakku Small Bottles (as previous 2 kids))
4.Handkerchiefs/Small Towels & Napkins
5.Hooded Towels and Normal Towels
6.Baby Toiletries:
o Bath Gel
o Baby Lotion/Oil
o Cotton Balls/ Pads
o Cotton Buds
o Diaper Rash Cream
o Baby Wipes
o Diapers Newborn – Mamy Poko
o Baby Comb
o Bath Sponges – Mothercare
o Thermometer
o Baby’s clothes hamper – perhaps 2 new pails with cover
7.Biscuits for me –during confinement
8.Baby Carrier Cum Car Seat (newborn to 12 mths)
9.Bottle Warmer – Avent - borrow
10.My Sweater for confinement
11.Manual Breast Pump Avent - borrow
12.Electric Breast Pump Madela - borrow
o Minyak Herbanika Nona Roguy RM85
o Akar Herbanika Nona Roguy RM80
o MakJun – makcik urut or Phytonatal NR RM100
o Herbanika Barut Cream RM45
o Minyak Berubat Mustajab 130ml RM27
o Honey to add to Akar Herbanika RM29.90 (Himalaya)
o Uncang Cuci Herbanika RM85 X 2 (only 15 bags per pack)
o Herbanika Lulur – serbuk utk mandi (RM50)
p/s there is a good product usage guide by a consultant on their official website, in Bahasa Malaysia.
14. Sanitary Napkins
15. Socks
16. Kain Bengkung
17.Makcik Urut – decide and book
18.Thermometer - getting from Dept (I am not in Planning Dept for nothing)
19.LV Diaper Bag – hah!ha! in my dreams only RM7K - MAJOR WISHLIST item (font colour rather bleak, as bleak as my chance of getting one)
20.Nasal Aspirator
21.Baby Bath organizer - Mothercare
22.Cot Things - one new set of cot bumper and bedding co-ordinates
23.Breast Pads – to look for the olds ones otherwise, buy!
24.Diaper Bag/ Mummy’s Bag – to be decided!!! If item 19 does not materialise, as if!
- Mine
o Pajamas 2x
o Socks 2x
o Stretch Pants – FOS/Reject Shops 2x
o T-shirts 4x
o Tudung
o Hair Band
o Sanitary Napkins
o Glasses Homewear
o Contact Lenses
o Underwear 3 days + 3 nights worth
o Camera + Charger
o H/Phone Charger
o Bengkung
o Bed Protector
o Good set of Baju for going home
o Towels (bath, face and hand)
o Snacks for hospital for kids
o Picnic Mat for visitors
- Baby’s
o Baby Clothes for going home
o Baby’s Zipped up suit for going home (Afif’s green)
o A few Muslin Wraps for use
o Small Towels
- My Toiletries
o Facial Wash
o Moisturizer
o Night Cream
o Lipstick
o Body Cream
o Shower Cream
o Feminine Wash – Travel Size
o Minyak Herbanika
o Minyak Mustajab
o Uncang Cuci
o Toothbrush
o Toothpaste
o Shampoo
o Deodorant – Travel Size
o Perfume Crabtree – Purse Size
26.Things to be done at Mak’s house:
1. Move Cot
2. Prepare the mattress – to put out in the sun for airing for a week or so
3. Look for old baby clothes – bring home and wash
4. Find the old bedding co-ordinates plus blanket and other usable stuff
5. Bring home Nayli’s Mobile for Cot
6. Find the bath tub
I think I have thought about everything, but I still have another month or so to go through everything and add anything else that I have forgotten.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Shopaholic? Me?

1) The amount already charged in my credit card at the moment – I know this doesn’t really make any sense. For me if I have just cleared my credit card, I would be more reluctant to spend. If however, I have charged more than RM1,000 currently I would go “oh well, another RM200 won’t hurt”! I guess an advice to myself here would be to keep a minimum amount in my credit card then.
2) If I have to spend cash – I tend to be rather reluctant to spend with cash in my purse only, especially if it is a big purchase, so perhaps I really should leave my credit card at home more often.
3) The mood that I am in – if I am in a spending mood then nothing can stop me, ha!ha! provided that I have the means to spend be it cash or plastic.
4) If I am at the shop to buy a few expensive items – then I will start to splurge on even unnecessary stuff, nice to have things with the thought that,"Well, I am spending this much money anyway, so why not add a few more small purchases".
*At then end of the day, being a shopaholic as I am (ok I admit it, why else do I relate to the Shopaholic series so well) it really doesn’t matter if any of the 4 factors above does exist, if I see something that I like and I think I can afford it or if I think I will have some money coming in to clear the credit card in the very near future, I will BUY it!!!!

Hence, I find this post in The Happiness Project Blog to be rather interesting.
11 tips cutting down the number of things you buy. Check it out.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Hot Wheels weekend
Still takes up space though. Organizational nightmare. Whatever makes them both happy, I guess.

5 boxes altogether