It's my hubby's birthday today! Happy Birthday Dahlink and many happy returns of the day. There's nothing more that I can give you other than a dedicated blog post to you.
Here's a poem for you on your special day.
The things we feel the deepest,
Are the hardest things to say,
But dear husband you must know,
How much I love you anyway.
And now that it's your 34th,
I'm hoping you'll know too,
How much I'm wishing happiness,
With all my heart for you.
My Dearest Jack,
My Darling, with a capital D,
Just a little poem to tell you,
You mean the World to me.
You're thoughtful and caring in so many ways,
Nayli and Zarif are lucky to have you as their Dad,
That you're my wonderful husband,
Makes me daily feel so glad.
Because you're such a good man,
In spirit, and in charm.
I'm so lucky to be your wife,
By your side, arm in arm.
Our family will be joyous,
Our hearts forever one.
I'm thrilled for us - it's glorious,
A life that's good and fun.
Jack dear, I'll say again,
Without prompting, without cue,
You mean the world to me,
My love, I'll be forever loving you.

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