1) The amount already charged in my credit card at the moment – I know this doesn’t really make any sense. For me if I have just cleared my credit card, I would be more reluctant to spend. If however, I have charged more than RM1,000 currently I would go “oh well, another RM200 won’t hurt”! I guess an advice to myself here would be to keep a minimum amount in my credit card then.
2) If I have to spend cash – I tend to be rather reluctant to spend with cash in my purse only, especially if it is a big purchase, so perhaps I really should leave my credit card at home more often.
3) The mood that I am in – if I am in a spending mood then nothing can stop me, ha!ha! provided that I have the means to spend be it cash or plastic.
4) If I am at the shop to buy a few expensive items – then I will start to splurge on even unnecessary stuff, nice to have things with the thought that,"Well, I am spending this much money anyway, so why not add a few more small purchases".
*At then end of the day, being a shopaholic as I am (ok I admit it, why else do I relate to the Shopaholic series so well) it really doesn’t matter if any of the 4 factors above does exist, if I see something that I like and I think I can afford it or if I think I will have some money coming in to clear the credit card in the very near future, I will BUY it!!!!

Hence, I find this post in The Happiness Project Blog to be rather interesting.
11 tips cutting down the number of things you buy. Check it out.
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