Talking with my friend (who shall remain anonymous), who isn't a blogger (yet!) on the phone today about my blog updates, she was saying that with what's been going on in her life at the moment, she bets that if she starts blogging about them, she would definitely get loads of blog hits.I say, she'd be rich!!! Ha!ha! I've been blogging for sometime, but I am not making money. But I am still blogging. Why do I blog? What gives me the motivation to blog?? Well, here are 10 reasons even though I am not making any money from blogging, I am still blogging. This months marks my 3rd year as a blogger actually. Reason # 01.I like writing stuff, even though I am no Sophie Kinsella.I have always kept a diary since I was in Secondary School, I think. Whenever, I am sad, angry, happy, confused etc etc I would jot them down in my diary. Since, I really do not have the time to stretch out on my bed and pen out my thoughts in a diary, after getting married and having 3 children, blogging is another way for to write about stuff. Though I no longer write about deep deep personal feelings, since it is for everyone to read.
Reason # 02. I like to share my experiences.
Blogging is a way of sharing my experience with my friends, family and everyone else who cares to read about it. If I go travelling with my family, try a new restaurant, bought something that I should have not!, attended an event. Then, I like to share my thoughts about them, and also to share pictures.
Reason # 03. It's a way of keeping note.
Having children, blogging seems to be a good way of maintaining some sort of a diary of happenings. It may be about anything that is involving the children, be it the kids' developments, achievements and experiences. I have been blogging about my kids' sports' day, birthdays, kindergarten graduation, you name it. Since my recent baby, I have been diligently blogging about his developments too, well sort of. 10 years down the road, I hope my children would appreciate that I have a record somewhere about our holidays together and the celebrations that we celebrated together. As opposed to just going down memory lane by thumbing through the old photo albums, checking out the web log, with a bit of their mom's 2 cents worth of thoughts about those moments shared together, would be more meaningful. At least I hope they would think so.
Reason # 04. It's fun.Believe it or not, I actually blog because it is fun. It's nice to upload pictures, desing layouts, decide what goes on the side bar, decide what to blog about. It's just plain fun. After spending your time, updating stuff, to actually view your finished product, it actually gives me a sense of satisfaction. Good sense of satisfaction, well not as good as shopping, but good anyhow. He!he!
Reason # 05. It's another way of expressing myself.Well, I guess this reason is rather self explanatory.This is the best way to express ourselves. You would not be opposed by anyone! Especially if you don't have any blog readers. Ha!ha!ha! Reason # 06. I can share knowledge.I think it's a good way of sharing information about stuff that matters to me. Someone might find the information useful.
Reason # 07. Because I can.
This blogspot is really such an easy way to blog. So user friendly. If I can blog, anyone can!!!
Reason # 08. It's a good way to kill time.
Hubby late fetching me from work, I blog. Nothing interesting on TV and kids busy doing their on thing, I blog. Maternity leave, and baby is asleep, I blog. Really, it will eat up your spare time easily! You will no longer be upset with your hubby for stretching his "I'm on the way", phrase.
Reason #09. I think it's just cool to go...
I have updated that in my blog already go check it out.
Reason #10. It's nice to do something with this in mind...
Hmmm this would be an interesting blog update. This makes you pay attention to details even more, it makes you take more meaningful pictures, it makes you savour the moment so that you could relay it back in detail in your next blog update.
So, there you go, my 10 reasons why I am still blogging. So what's yours if you are a blogger mommy like me??? Let me know if you are doing an update on this. Zak, Salina and Zila what are your reasons??? I wish, more of my friends are blogging.

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