Long weekends are always something that we look forward to. What's there not to, 3 whole days away from work right? We didn't have anything planned. We thought on Friday we'd just take the kids to the Zoo since Zaim love birds, we thought he would enjoy a day at the zoo. Saving the bird park for the coming school holidays.
So here's us at the main entrance. Standard photo shoot every time we come here. I really should take the time, to think of a more creative angle of getting this shot. Next trip perhaps. I'm behind the camera obviously, so not in the shot (as usual, sigh!).
It's feeding time for the giraffes.
What are these? Storks or Pelicans? Let's just go with birds...
What ever they're called... Zaim was totally transfixed!!!
Some animals just go on with "their business" much to Zarif's dismay.
Walking like an Egyptian... mmm emu actually.
The beautiful hornbill.
Hey, how come I'm not included in this hudle??
King of the Jungle, or as Zarif put it, King of the Zoo. Bored stiff!
Tiggerriffffic duo!
Consulting the Zoo map... checking out what other animals to look out for.
Zarif loves to read the maps around the Zoo. Check out the new battery operated and fume free trams.
Oooh what's lurking in the muddy water???
Taking a snack break.
After the Zoo, we went to Jusco, Setiawangsa for lunch. While waiting for their dad performing the Friday prayers, I let the kids go at the playzone. They had a blast, but poor little Zaim, was stuck in his pram with me.
On Saturday, as usual the older kids have their weekly swimming lessons at the club. Normally, Zaim and I just stay home. Last weekend however, we joined them cause I missed having breakfast at the club. The thosai telur bawang and chilli is quite good. Plus, Zaim could always go with a dip in the pool.
We did it yeah!
Going up a flat slide. Good thing he's crawling already.
All tired after the swim.
Then it was off to the Nike Warehouse Sale at Queen's Park, in Cheras. I thought that place is quite cool. Plenty of Outlet stores around. I'd definitely come back to this place again. There is a Mango, Esprit, Ashworth Outlets and even a Starbucks. The plan was to look for running shoes for the father, but look who ended up with his first pair of Nike??? All at 11 months, and to think that my first Nike was when I was 11 years old, or was it 12??? Sad!!! 
Here's the entrance to the Nike Sale. Practically empty. Nothing like the Adidas Warehouse Sale that we went to the last time, where we had to queue for an hour before we managed to get in!
After the Nike Sale, we walked around the place and we spotted a barber shop. Since Zarif was in such a bad need for a haircut, and since Zaim was behaving, and the place was empty with excellent air-condition... why not??
Zaim must be wondering what on earth is going on here? What is this strange person doing to my brother? Am I next???
Snip snip snip. Look at Zarif's fringe, how long it has gotten to.
All done.
Even a picture with Uncle Barber. Pssst, Zarif is not happy, he said it's way too short. He prefers his usual barber at home. Demanded to be taken there next time, and kept on asking when his hair will grow back.
That was Saturday, oh after we reached home, I took a quick nap for about 20 minutes, then we went out again to Giant. Don't worry no picture in Giant. I was too zonked out anyway, cause I took a flu tablet. I somehow, got my sinus on the way home from Cheras. Perhaps it was because I didn't but anything for myself. Ha!ha!
Sunday was cooking day for me. I had an urge to cook, having bought the stuff at Giant the day before, I was excited to try out something new. First I started with Pumpkin Soup for Zaim. First I boiled the pumpkin separately. Then I boiled some potatoes, carrots and onions. I didn't have the recipe with me, but if I remember correctly, it also called for celery and cream. I had no celery and cream, but I substituted the cream with fresh milk. Once, the second batch of boiled items have soften, I added beef stock and also the pumpkins and some fresh milk to thicken it even more and make it a little more creamy.
Then I blended it to become a smooth puree/ very soupy texture. Then I scooped some into bowls for the kids, myself and Zaim. I had an assistant to help me feed Zaim as I had to continue with my next dish of the day.
Here' s the kakak feeding him, don't know if more went into his mouth or the sister's.
Ok, my next dish is called... Roasted Veggies Spaghettini. Whose recipe? No one in particular, just mixing up cooking methods from my years of watching AFC.
Prepare the onions and garlic, no need to peel the skins, infact I should not have even cut the onions in half, leave them whole, just nip one end of it to allow them to absorb the marinate.
Mushrooms and Pepper/ Capsicums
Cut them and dump them all together.
The simple marinating elements are just Olive Oil, Salt and Pepper. Dead easy.
Lay out everything in a tray like so, you can sprinkle more oil, salt and pepper if you think more is needed.
I forgot the aurburgines(eggplants), same treatment with the marinade.
Finally, everything is ready to go into the oven.
I let it roast covered first for about 20 minutes or so.
Then, I open it and turn on the grill function.
I also prepared a simple watery tomato based sauce with loads of mushrooms for a basic base for the spaghettini to bathe in without being too mushy nor too dry.
Grill away until you get the desired charred marks.
You'd want to slice up the capsicums, after peeling the skin off.
Chop up everything into bite size.
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