I can understand why gadget freaks / geeks LVoe this place! Me? Hey, I'm neither, I'm a confirmed Shopaholic so anything goes, even external hard drives!!! :-) Since Fidah has arranged to go with a friend, I needed another partner, you know 2's a company, 3's a crowd thing... I managed to get Azleen to join, apparently she has been planning to get a new laptop/netbook too, so I called the right person at the right time! Gosh, where did all their money come from, really?
The Ground Floor
Azleen checking out one netbook after another.
A closer look at the SAMSUNG, very nice, if only they had it in black - not that I was looking. Visited a few shops, but we kept going back to one, because the Salesperson was nice & cute :-). Yup, we were guilty of being "look-alistic". Once the choices were getting a bit much and Azleen became totally confused, we took a lunch break. The only thing that we could see from the escalator was this Kopitiam.
It was almost empty, so good cause we were famished. We ordered the Set Lunch which had this tomyam noodles, kaya toasts and Lime Juice. Nice!
1 comment:
ha..ha... tu je yg termampu kot... thx to you too.. sbb jadik "penasihat" .... i mmg tak tau langsong bab2 ni...nanti kita pg lagik ek...
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