I have a good job - been here almost 9 years!!! Good working environment and good colleagues whom I consider friends. It makes things much easier to be at the office from 8-5 and sometimes more, when you are surrounded by like-minded people whom you can call friends. Good office location, within walking distance to KLCC and the LRT station, and just a taxi away from anywhere else that you can reach to during lunch time. This is important to me :-), and for that I thank you God!
I have a good home, lovely little apartment. Thank you god for giving me the means to afford it, and to furnish it. The kids love being there, with the play area and friends around.
When I was in school, I was never that athletic, but I have always harboured the wish of learning to play tennis, and I did. I started it when I was at A-levels, and continued playing for fun until I was working and until I had Nayli. Looking forward to play again. Hope I would fine a "kaki" again by then, and Aida I mean you! Ha!ha! so watch out, I'll be calling you in 2-3 years time.
All the travelling that I have done, thank you God for giving me the chance to see your beautiful creations.
I am grateful that I still have the capability to dream and wish. My 35 years of life, has not dampen my spirit to have continue wishing and dreaming. I think this is important, it is not all achievable I know, but it makes me look forward to something. It gives me hope and excitement to go through another day, another month, another year.
I have a blog and I love updating it. This is a great avenue for me to write and express myself (this in itself is supposed to be therapeutic and good for one's well-being). I am not a terrific writer, there are other bloggers out there with more flair with words and wisdom to impart, but I'm glad I have this avenue to records about all the happenings in my life. Even if it's just for my reading and my kids in future years. So, I thank God for giving me the patience and eagerness and enthusiasm to update it regularly.
Thank you God for letting me find a hobby that is my love for taking pictures and being able to afford to pursue it again. It began with my first SLR, when I was 15 that I used right till I was at university, and travelling all over. Then it got too expensive, the developing and all. Luckily with the digital era setting in, I finally managed to get a DSLR early this year, and now I am capturing as much as I could. I know I have a lot to learn and explore, but it's ok, that is all part of the journey, I am just grateful that I am back on the road again.
I cannot possibly expect to list down every single thing that I am grateful for and to expect to update this entry before my 36th birthday so I guess I shall stop now but not before thanking god for enabling me to find this for my 35th birthday... :-)
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