Last Saturday, we woke up to a wet wet day. Nobody was in the mood to go swimming that day. Even though by 8 ish, the rain already stopped, though the sky was still overcast, and it's pretty wet and gloomy outside. Those pre-Zaim days, we would have probably gone back to bed for a good 2-3 hours more, but with the little munchkin up and about at around 6:30a.m that is out of the question. Soon after he was awake, he needed to be bathed - an immediately if you know what I mean. There were a few things on my to do list that morning.
First stop was to stop by our house, to pick-up this and that, the kids on the other hand had other plans. When they saw the toys that they have left behind, the realised that they do miss some of them after all. They picked up whatever that they could manage. It was Zaim's first time seeing all the stuff, he was still too small before to understand anything. He was amused at everything that he saw, including Nayli's Dora's Cottage. They managed to play a little bit, before they were rushed them out of the house to attend to the 2nd item on my list.

At 17 months, they are still not gender sensitive to toys.
Hey, Dora!!
Let's arrange this way over there!

2nd stop - grocery shopping, we were out of milk amongst other things.
Taking pictures in a hypermarket, only me!!!
Took Jack a while to get used to his happy snappy wife. For better or worse... :-)
By the time, we got everything on the list it was already lunch time. So, we had to grab something quick and fast and good (as in yummy, not super healthy obviously).
Zaim loves eating by himself.
Happy as a hippo!!
The food doesn't only go into his mouth unfortunately. After lunch we went home and unpacked the groceries, perform the Zohor prayers then we were off again to the barber (for Zarif and Papa) and to the hairdresser for the rest.
After much contemplation on my part, I decided it's time to chop off Nayli's lovely long locks, that I never have ample time to braid and style every morning for school. Somehow, this time, when I suggested she is ok about it immediately. I guess she is ready for something different plus she said she has seen a couple of the older girls in school wearing shorter hair styles. Perhaps its "in" now, in schools.
One loooonnng last look.
Another one.
Are you sure girl?
Someone really doesn't care that her sister is about to make and earth shattering decision over here because he spotted a cat outside the shop. Cattttt!!!! Here kitty kitty kitty!!!!
The moment of truth. Once you are on the chair, wrapped like this, that's it. There's no turning back.
Aaaarrrghhhh! It's gone!
There's no turning back now! Like it or not.
Last few strands of her long locks :-(
Ta daaaa the new Nayli.
Ooops, look who's turn it is now! Zaim needed a bit of trimming here and there cause I made a bit of a mess 2 weeks back. It was really bad actually, so we needed a little repair. Zaim was surprisingly quiet and ok. Looks like it'll be easy from now on. We would just head to the hairdresser the next time Zaim needs a haircut.
Sleepy maybe?
Totally behaved himself throughout.
He did get a little bit distracted by the sound of the hair dryer on another customer. After the hair cut, sorry no picture of the big boys, (cause obviously Jack will not take pictures at the barbers!!! ) it was already time for Zaims' meal. I made a quick spinach soup for him to be eaten with rice. Then it was bath time for everyone and we need to get ready to go out for dinner, ehem! My belated birthday dinner at The Apartment, KLCC.
This is our first time here actually. We have never even been to the one at The Curve. So, it really was quite a gamble in terms of food quality and service, though the menu looks quite enticing online. You would get the very same looking menu once there, whilst the children had their very own, as the one shown below, taken by the kids. Even thought they had about 5 main meal choices for the children, 2 was not available that night. The kids settled for the sausages and mini burger.
While waiting for our orders, we were served with this lovely warm foccacia, with what I believe is Pesto Sauce, yummy! We loved it, even the kids.
Zarif and me, while waiting for our food to arrive.
Zaim eating the foccacia.
Zarif's Mini Burger, not so mini after all.
Nayli's sausages.
Our Appetiser 1 - Clam & Mussels cooked in the apartment style sauce.
Our Appetiser 2 - Portobello Mushrooms - not cheap but not dissapointing. {Sorry about the picture quality though.}
We didn't offer him the sausages thought that it would be too hard for him to chew. However, ever so swiftly, Zaim managed to grab one from Nayli's plate and happily chomped away.
Zarif is always glad that he is not served rice for his meals.
Papa's Girl.
My order - Cod fish with Aoli. I liked it.It would have gone down even faster had I not had those appetisers.
The Lamb Rack for Jack.
Closer look at the lamb.
Free desserts for the kids.
There was a lovely sitting area just a foot away from our table. So the kids happily played there while we finished our meal.
Enjoying ice-cream. Zaim is glad to have ice-creams coming from both sides.
Oh, one thing I have to mention. When the kids were playing at another sitting area a bit further away from us, I noticed that the guy behind the drinks bar cutting some apples and took it on a plate somewhere. We were surprised to find out later, they were meant for my kids! Isn't that nice? Good food, nice ambience, family friendly, good service, friendly staff & not packed on Saturday nights. I'm coming back to this place.
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