Monday, November 02, 2009

Zarif's 2nd concert

This year is Zarif's second year in kindergarten and last Sunday was his 2nd Annual Concert. He has been practising for months, and has been really looking forward to that big day. Zaim was just 5 months old last year, this year exactly 12 months older, he came to witness his brother's big day too. It was held at the same hall as last year. Zarif's performance this year is called Agidoo.

R.E.A.L Kids Annual Concert & Graduation (for 6 year olds) 2009

Parent, grandparents and siblings taking their seats. Zaim spotted a little baby a few rows ahead of our seat and decided to check out.

Quite a big hall. We came in on time, but somehow others came even earlier and we couldn't brave the crowd to get to anywhere near the front half of the hall. Sigh!
The Programme Booklet - "Let's Get Real".

Zarif's item was the 11th - 2nd item after the 1st half intermission. I thought it was a long wait last year when his performance was before the intermission. This year was even longer, and we had Zaim. It was a very very long wait. Luckily Zaim was ok, just had to take him out of the hall now and again and let him run around.

A performance from the 4 year olds. Cute!

Love the puffy dresses.

This little girl is soooo adorable!

I think this was the 3 year old -Pre-pre Schoolers, yes they have such category.

During intermission, the parents to the 4 year olds are allowed to collect their kids from the class teachers. So I took that chance to dash up front with Nayli, to grab a seat nearer to the stage.
This performance was called DNA, a mandarin song by that name I guess.

Hey, I shot that leap! Cool eh?

Zaim's class's turn. He wasn't the little MCs this year, he was quite upset
about it, but it was just to be fair to others.

A short video - Agadoo 1, shot by Nayli, my little protege.

During his performance, I ran up front to get an even closer shot of my boy! Can you spot Zarif swinging away?

In full force.

Clap! clap! clap!

Swing it baby!

The girls.
All the girls upfront now.

To the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night sing with a hula melody
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree

Agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee

Video 2 - Agadoo

Video 3 - Agadoo

Taking a bow.

Hurray! Well done, Orchid Class and Teacher Eunice!!

Another performance - with a 60's feel.

Complete with props.

Boy can these kids shake. We didn't stay long, because it was way past Zaim's lunch time and he was getting restless. We left the hall soon after Zarif's performance and waited at the canteen. There were 4 more classes after Zarif's then it was the graduation ceremony for the 6 year olds. It was quite a long wait till then, the 5 year olds were not released until after the graduation. We had to kill time, amusing Zaim while waiting or was it the other way round.

Ready for lunch.

Open up Zaim.


A picture here.

And a picture there.

Zaim was "released" and he had fun running everywhere.

Up and down.

Ooops a little off balance sometimes still.

But he picked himself up again cheerfully.

Followed by a bottle of milk.

Nayli's shot, not bad for composition huh!

Nayli taking a picture of us with the D60, I was quite worried that she might drop it.

Nayli taking a picture of Zaim - Zaim posing for the camera.

Much later Nayli went to peep to see what's going on in the hall.
The graduation ceremony is over, they are singing the School Song,
Auld Lang Syne and Heal the Word.
Hurray, the superstar is out, finally.

I did it Mama!

With Shasha.

Me and my kids :-). Well done Zarif, you have another year to go!

Peace! Zarif and Lokman.

Now he is famished. We went straight to KLCC for lunch.

Super duper hungry.

We were here till late in the evening, had a couple of things to get. Zaim slept and woke up again. Amused himself in the play area, while waiting.

A long and wonderful day it was.

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