We were invited to my office mate's wedding on July 12th, who also happened to be another office mate's nephew. I decided to bring Zaim along too, since this would be his first debut out with his new hairdo, as if he notices! Anyhow, Hafiz, the groom is my office mate, but Fida his aunty is the one that I would like to feature here. More about Fida in a bit. Before that, when we were back at the office looking at the photos, I noticed that the bride looks a little like, Julia in SpaQ (Farawahida, whats her name). Yes, busted! I did follow quite a number of episodes of SpaQ ok! Well, it coincides with my meal times, and my mother always want to have TV3 on, in order to wait for the Azan.Yeah, yeah whatever.
Hafiz and wife at the main table.
Back to Hafiz's aunty, Fida my friend. One of the reasons, we try not to miss this wedding is because we knew the menu of the day! Roasted lamb (a.k.a Fida's kambing)!!!
I have never been and still not a fan of any form of lamb dishes. I find that the smell is too ovewhelming and just so not appetising. However, I somehow have no problem whatsoever, when I have Fida's Kambing. Ok, actually, credit should go to the hubby, Ariff and his team. Don't know what their secret is to preparing the meat, but it is always so delicous, tender and lamb scent free! Whenever Fida's hubby's been engaged to any of our office mates makan-makan, the Piece de Resistance will definitely be his infamous "Kambing". Mmm yumm!!! Not to be missed. I cannot wait to hold one, soon insya-allah. Pray that I would be able to hold one major makan-makan so that you could try the Kambing out yourself.
What a difference to a wedding meal eh? Roasted lamb, with mash potatoes, garlic bread and salads. Zarif, my picky eater even had a second helping.
That's Zaim, with his uneven new hairdo with Aunty Fida, wife of Towkey Kambing and Tisya, who was the bride's maid for the day.
L to R (sitting): Ezri, Linda, Zaim with a Kuih Bahulu in the hand and Me.
Another shot with the hostess, who was even busier than the mother of the groom.
If you think you cannot wait for an invite from me to try the Roasted Lamb, you can call
Ariff at 012 654 5604 for his catering services. He also does a mean Char Kuey Teow,Soto, Tauhu Bakar and Sotong Kangkong. Don't forget to invite me though!
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