If you are like me, stuck in a department of 12, with a quarter of them involved in either Marathon, Triathlon, Iron Man, Power Man whatever events that involve insanely lengthy amount of time running, swimming and biking either in one event or not, you would not have missed knowing the fact that there was this Standard Chartered Kl Marathon last Sunday. Of course these 3 guys, out of 4 in my department participated! Jamil in the 42 km, Zailan in 21km and Azlan the 10 km. I bet had Dzuong not just had a baby, and the first one at that, he might have also done the 5km one at least.
Anyhow, since none of these guys have a blog, at least not that I'm aware of, I'm sorry I cannot direct you to their blogs. However, I wish to direct you to a Lady Runner, whom I got to know from Zailan and from time to time, I would check on her blog to see some interesting updates. She has blogged beautifully about her experience last Sunday that I am compelled to share it with all who cares to read especially to those, like me could never ever fathom to do whatever that she does, run in marathons i.e to run that far that long. Not once in a lifetime, but many many times in many many events!!! She is quite a popular blogger/running-mom and has been featured in newspaper articles too. So check it out... Running Mom Blog.

Oh by the way, well done to Jamil, Zailan and Azlan for completing the run and still made it to work on Monday!!!
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