If you have children between the age of 1 - 5, and they happen to watch a lot of Channel 613, you would definitely be familiar with this Playhouse Disney Cartoon Character. You have the main character which is the little boy in turqouise, Pocoyo, the dog, Loula, the yellow bird Pato and the pink Elephant, Elly. There's not a lot of dialogue, coz I guess Pocoyo is supposed to be a lil' toddler of about 2 or 3 maybe, I'm not
sure. The adventures that he goes through with his animal friends are really cute. My kids love watching him, even Nayli my 8 year old and my "Superboy, a.k.a Ben 10", wouldn't mind sitting down with Zaim to watch Pocoyo. Actually, before Zaim, Zarif was Pocoyo too! The very way Pocoyo walks really reflects little toddlers, that makes him so adorable. When Zarif was younger,
everytime he was upset, he even pouted and stormed around like Pocoyo. He will cross his arms and march off stomping his feet, bows his head and goes a-aah!!! Zaim has not come to this storming around stage just yet, but he sure walks like Pocoyo with both hands stretched out back. There is a photo below of Zaim walking just like this. This blog entry is actually a backdated entry from last weekend. Of course, it is mainly about my little Pocoyo. It was another day at the Dr's for him.

Actually it was Zaim's Chicken Pox jab, but of course the whole jing bang came along, the big bro and sis got their 1st Hepatitis A shot. This time, I did prep hubby to take proper pictures, the result... well, he slipped the camera in his pocket and totally failed to take a single picture of any of the kids getting the jab! I was too pre-occupied as the kids took turns to sit on my lap for the jab to be administered, and as soon as Jack had to hold Zaim, there goes the chance for any pictures. 
Zaim, getting friendly with the kids in the clinic. I was worried that the other kids were ill, and Zaim might catch something. Luckily, he is alright, just a wee bit of runny nose this week, that is probably from his own sister anyway.
Zaim is happily walking around now, though he still has not found his balance and still wibbly wobbly, often landing on his bottoms or falls flat on his palms and tummy when he loses his balance.

My failed attempt to take a group picture of the 3.
Zaim (well, not just Zaim obviously) was totally mesmerised by this little newborn who was getting a nappy change. I think that was his first time seeing a baby much smaller than him (can't say the same thing about the other audience though). After the appointment which lasted a merely 45 minutes! This is record time ok, compared to my appointments at another hospital, a lot of wasted time then come to think about it. Since it was quite a hassle to get everyone ready, to pack Zaim's diaper bag and all. I thought it was a shame to be out of the house for under an hour and to go home again on a Saturday afternoon. So, I decided to do a Pocoyo act (ha!ha! no storming off episode, just a teeny weeny pout) and Jack gave in to take us to lunch at our current fav place. I guess there is no need for an introduction to this restaurant again since I have been raving about it a couple of times before already. Just a bore to be repeating about it, though, the food item in the pictures below will definitely give it away.

The 1st time we were here, Zaim was not able to sit in the baby chair just yet. He was in the stroller the whole time, and slept half way through the meal, lucky me. The second time, he was left at home. This time, he came along and was able to sit on his own already. It was nevertheless quite a challenging meal time. Before our food arrived, I started feeding him with his own packed porridge, since it was way past his meal time. Zaim is not a fussy eater, he ate his food happily. Then when our food arrived, he also wanted a share of whatever was on our plate. He helped himself to my french fries that were within his reach. After the french fries were all finished, he grabbed the ribs and started licking the sauce on it.

Before he started biting into the rib bones, I thought, I should move them away from his reach, and I passed him the garlic bread, the only soft food available. I expected the garlicky taste would turn him off. Nope! Not to this lil' fella. Chomped on the garlic bread... yes happily.

Even too busy for a picture with big bro.
Still at it. I know, it's just amazing how much he can pack in his little tiny tummy.
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