Friday, December 05, 2008

Visiting a confined lady who has not even delivered yet!

Last Saturday, I paid Pat a long overdue visit. Just as what the title said, she is homebound, Confined even before she has delivered. Pat has been gotten a steady stream of Braxton Hicks, so she really need to be very very careful or else, she would be delivering way before her due date which is January 1st.

Besides bringing her, the standard Nona Roguy stuff and I also recommended to her Himalaya's honey to be added to the Akar Herbanika tea. The honey is really good and pure, I guess cause it doesn't attract any ants at all. I also brought along all baby clothes that Zaim has outgrown, yes even though he only turned 6 months last week. I have also given Pat, the 6 months old tagged clothes! All the newborn clothes, socks, mittens and all. It's really good for me, that I managed to clear off all these clothes that would not be used anymore, cause FYI, Zaim is the last baby that I am having. Sob! sob! sob! I just love babies, I know, but I have to be realistic, I am not getting any older, being pregnant after 30 is not easy, losing weight after being pregnant is not easy, taking care of babies, not getting enough sleep when you are more than 30 is not easy... So, I have to say, this is it for me. Just 3 babies. That's all. From now on, it's all about bringing them up, and enjoying every moment that I have with them as they grow. That is why I am cherishing every cute baby moment with Zaim, cause I know there won't be any other for me. Sigh!!!

The picture above are all those things that I got for her. Fantastic huh! Imagine, the empty space in my closet at home. More opportunity to shop! Yippeee! Why am I so generous?

Well, because I have been promised these yummy sinful stuff in banana leaf! The things I would do for food!

Of course Mom to be got to enjoy it too.

I finished mine, even before I could manage to take a pic. Gobble! Gobble!

Since I am always leaving Zaim behind, I decided to bring him along to Pat's and give his bibik, a bit of a time-off. So while the kids went for their swimming lessons with the father Zaim and Mama get some quality time together at Aunty Pat's.

That day at Aunty Pat's was also Zaim's first time feeding with me. Yeah, cause the grandmother and bibik, just couldn't wait to feed him, so they started during the weekdays while I was at work. Hence, the photos of him being fed, cause after a long time of not feeding a baby, this happens to be an exciting moment for me. Of course, I was ready with a new feeding bowl, spoons and sipping cup. Having babies are just so so lovely, cause they need so many many things to grow well, healthy and happy. Sigh!

He loves his food, just like his mom.

Pat's christmas tree is up. Can't resist a photo by the tree. This was when the kids came to fetch us.

Me and mom to be.
The pictures below were taken at home. Just to capture some more pictures of Zaim at 6 months.

Zaim - 6 months and growing! 9.7kgs - no joke! this romper his wearing by the way is for 9-12 months.

1 comment:

eiseais said... do u 'tutup kedai'? want to share?