The tag is originally in Malay... I somehow will be updating in English, for the benefits of my International Readers... he!he! Assuming, no!no! make that Pretending that I have international readers.
SIAPAKAH ANDA DIRUMAH? literally translated as Who am I at home? Is this correct grammar, I dunno, all this translation business is so confusing.
At home (currently my parents'), I am Eti/Girl (to my parents, yes... still girl to them!!!), Mama (to my kids), Kakak (to the help), Kak Eti (to my bro) and XXX (to my hubby).
SIAPAKAH DIRI ANDA DISAMPING RAKAN? - what do friends think of me (my perception at least... or I hope)
Gosh, this is a tough one! Honestly, I have to say I don't know!
Friends out there... if you are reading this, please comment... it would be interesting to know... :-) hope it's all good tho.
- 5 things that are in my wishlist - let me just make it clear here excluding shoes and handbags of course!!! ha!ha!
1. Fabulous flat abs
2. To be a SAHHM (new term I just learnt from my friend Nadd, Stay at Home Hot Mama!) ha!ha! of course no. 1 has to be achieved first right? :-)
3. A huge huge huge kitchen - SMEG cooker and oven & Kitchen Aid Mixer and Food Processor (is this considered more than one, but it's under my dream kitchen, no? )
4. Go to the UK and "return" to my University.
5. To be a blogger with an Income!!! Pathetic, I know but hey this is my wishlist after all.
SIAPAKAH NAMA PASANGAN ANDA? What is your spouse's name?
Wan Jack.
5 PERKARA YANG PALING ANDA SUKA TENTANG PASANGAN ANDA? 5 things you like about your spouse?
Honey if there's only 5 things I like about him, we will not make it this far... Ha!ha!
He's everything I am not -
1) patient
2) even-tempered
3) very realistic
4) don't crack under pressure
5) don't swear much
makes you wonder, how in the world he puts up with me huh? :-D , see point number 1!
BILA TARIKH COUPLE - date we started dating
3rd quarter 1999, I think.
KENANGAN PAHIT ANDA BERSAMA RAKAN ANDA - a bad experience with a friend
hmmm I'm not sure whether this is supposed to be a bad experience shared with a friend or my spouse while dating... I'd stick with friend, easier.
Don't think I have any major traumatic experience, thanks goodness for that. Does that mean my life has been boring??? Mmmm I don't think so, but I don't have any experience that could be severely labeled as "kenangan pahit"! As far as gruesome experience is concerned I would have to say SPM!!! Sitting for the final secondary school exams when I was 17, now that was one "kenangan pahit". I shudder each time I think about it.
LAGU TEMA CINTA ANDA - My love theme song
It isn't ours, but two songs have some significance while we were dating. Come on Eileen by the Dixie Midnight Runners (hardly a love song, but special to me nevertheless), before we were dating I think I mentioned it casually to him that I love this song because it always reminds me of my days in Kent. One day he called me while I was driving and asked me to turn on a particular radio station, the song was playing! Sweet!
Second song... Can't fight this feeling anymore by REO Speedwagon. I only knew about this after we were officially dating. The significance well, if you must know... the lyrics kind of meant something to him at that time... Gosh I think I have revealed a bit much!!! I thought sweet!!! (flutter, flutter of eyelashes! he!he! )
APA PERUBAHAN YANG ANDA INGIN LIHAT PADA PASANGAN ANDA - 1 thing you'd like to change about him
Give up smoking.
Tag 10 other people.
Gosh, I don't know that many bloggers... sorry ladies.. I'm attacking the same people again... but really your choice... to do or not to do!!!
you never know... there may come a time when you got the urge to blog but you got no ideas or like me this very instance, the blogger just isn't uploading any of my pictures right now even though I have days of stories to share... this is the time to pick up those tags!!!
ok, here goes... I hereby tag (read: would love to read your answers to the above):
NZZ - from Just my 3 cents thots
Ermayum - Life, Dessert and Matters
Lady Verde - our life
Marlini - Cinta Ridlis
Simple Scribblings
That's 5 individuals... ok, half is not bad eh?....
hehe i pun baru tau SAHM tu stands for what now da ada SAHHM lak hehe i malu nak tanya so i buat2 pandai hahah
tq tq for the tag
what can I say insyallah akan dijawab one of those days yang u cakap tu :)
Hi Ermayum... he!he! SAHM ke SAHHM ke... tak kisah lah kan... janji dpt stay at home ngan anak-anak. :-) Ok, looking forward to your answers nanti :-D
thanks for the tag...nanti bila si debab/debek tu tak bergayut bole laa i i pon blom update lagi nihh...
If only you are still active here Eti! SO much fun reading up on YOU!
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