Friday, June 12, 2009

Jane Green - The Beach House

My latest read was Jane Green's The Beach House, courtesy of Izam. It took me quite sometime to finish it, because it was one of those huge paperbacks. Not the size that you'd pack into your handbag and carry everywhere ) not even if your handbag is a Neverfull GM, trust me!

I have always liked Jane Green, this one is quite good too. Took me a awhile to get the pace of not being able to put it down, simply because I did not diligently pick up this huge book.

Here's the synopsis from Jane Green's site :

Known in Nantucket as the crazy woman who lives in the rambling house atop the bluff, Nan doesn’t care what people think. At sixty-five-years old, her husband died twenty years ago, her beauty has faded, and her family has flown. If her neighbors are away, why shouldn’t she skinny dip in their swimming pools and help herself to their flowers? But when she discovers the money she thought would last forever is dwindling and she could lose her beloved house, Nan knows she has to make drastic changes.
So Nan takes out an ad: Rooms to rent for the summer in a beautiful old Nantucket home with water views and direct access to the beach. Slowly, people start moving into the house, filling it with noise, with laughter, and with tears. As the house comes alive again, Nan finds her family expanding. Her son comes home for the summer, and then an unexpected visitor turns all their lives upside-down.

Some of the other books by Jane Green that I enjoyed are: Bookends, Babyville, Jemima J, Mr Maybe.
My new book that I have started is Danielle Steel's Rogue. From time to time, I would go back to DS, I couldn't find Jeffry Archer's latest that was in the Top 10 list, perhaps my next book, or perhaps after another trashy Chic Lit first. I can only take so much of tragic, dramatic, heavy reading at one time. Yes, I even consider Danielle Steel as heavy reading. Sometimes, her characters get into such tragic accidents or mishaps that it's just unbearable to read. I remembered reading Kaleidescope when I was still in school, I cried like hell, after finishing it. Crazy! I do not need such stress right now. At page 5, Rogue doesn't sound that scary, maybe it's too soon to tell. Come back in a few weeks time, I might have an update on it.

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