Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunday Update

It was Parent's Teacher's day at Zarif's kindy last Sunday. We went to meet his teacher, who incidentally was Nayli's class teacher too when she was 5. Teacher Eunice of Orchid Class. Not much pictures to update. I was to "shy" to take pictures, besides there was a queue of parents, waiting for their turn. Don't think they'd be amused looking at us being happy snappy and eating up their time. Perhaps at the end of the year, I might brace myself and insist on some pictures to be taken. Until then, here's three that I managed.
Looking at his work and report.

Supposed to be a shot with him, in his class with his books and the proud parents. He had to make a face!

Pointing at his artwork on the wall.
After that, we went back home to fetch Zaim, then it was off to HSC's Kidszone, for another birthday party. It's Kyrin's and Azraai's birthday, our neighbour. The last party at OU, Zaim was still crawling, this time, he could walk, he was really excited to be let loose at such a big area.

With Sis giving a hand.

Enjoying himself.

Attacking the father!

In action.

In awe with everything around him.

Warming up.

On his own two feet.

Chow time.

Not to be excluded.

Musical Chair... but of course!

Paper Dance

Wonderful moments for a mother to see her 2 kids actually teaming up together.

Nearly brought tears to my eyes.

Whatever it takes, as long as they can win.

Birthday Boy with the Pinata.

Birthday girl taking her turn.

Zarif, with all his might.

Nayli too!

Time to blow the candles and cut the cakes.

Was trying to take a picture with Zaim, but was rewarded with a kiss!

He is being fair.

A good boy deserves an ice-cream, always!

Back at the play area.

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